Monday, August 27, 2007
So they say 'Love Knows No Boundaries' but sometimes they lie!
Lately I've been doing some thinking, I've never been cheated on,(either that or I still don't know that I have)so which would be a better situation? 1. Your girlfriend cheated on you and you don't know anything. 2. Your girlfriend cheated on you and you found out from someone. 3. Your girlfriend cheated and she told you. Do you think picking a number describes who you are? I think it does.

Well I'm kinda stuck now, don't know which one to pick! I really really want to pick number 1 but I'm really grossed out with the thought of sharing my GF with someone else.... the thought of her going to bed with someone else... hmmm *yuckx!* So I think I want to know. But, if I didn't know that it wouldn't be gross. Actually no, it'd be gross just without me knowing... hmmm

I'll definitely not take the second one, cause that would be a super big blow to my ego, I'm not saying that the other choices wouldn't but, number 2 would be the biggest ego-killer. Not only is it an ego-killer, this choice would most definitely be the end of the relationship. Imagine this situation, ' You find out your girlfriend is cheating on you, you go home and ask her this, have you been cheating on me? she says, " NO" you can kiss your relationship BYE BYE (now the tougher question is, which one is more devastating? the cheating or the lying? I think the lying)

Now for the most painful choice, door number 3. Let's see, "Baby, I'm really sorry, I've something to tell you, I cheated on you." hmmm.... doesn't sound right, how can it sound right? Its not! But anyways, would you forgive her? I guess its a question of how much you think the relationship means to you. (Well I have this theory, if your partner tell you that he/she cheated, its most likely he/she wants the relationship to work so they tell you OR, they think that their about to get caught and they tell you so that you don't get that mad) I somehow I think if they cheated on you, they'd cheat again. You think so? BUT I guess I want to know, that from there I'll decide what to do next

Hmmm.... the more I write the more I begin to wonder why would people cheat in the first place? (I define cheating as, sleeping with someone else. Flirting and kissing doesn't count) If you love someone, would you cheat on him/her? I don't think so. I guess If someone cheats on you, he/she doesn't love you enough. The reason I define flirting and kissing as not cheating is because to flirt or to kiss someone (but it depends on your age, if your in high school maybe its different but I'm talking about college and working life) its very easy, but when you sleep with some one, it take alot of premeditation (with or without the influence of alcohol, although some people react differently, I believe you are still in control of your actions except your sense or right and wrong are affected but you are still responsible for what you do) SO yes, I believe that If you can cheat on your partner you don't deserve to be forgiven. No matter what the excuse is.

Picture taken from: The Heart of a Musician

p.s: I know they say 'love knows no boundaries' but that doesn't mean you can go around sleeping with other people. Not all sayings are true! :P

posted by DjBenn at 12:06 AM | Permalink | 8 vinyl(s)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Re: Tears
I'm sure everyone has gone through patches of tough times. Or at least everyone who has reached a certain age has. I guess these trying times define the person you are? These are the times when you learn who your real friends are, you learn how tough you are, and most importantly you learn about yourself.

1 of lifes greatest mysteries is not the tombs of Tutankhamun or whether Hang Tuah is Chinese (which he is) but its the very fact that we are the closest person to ourselves but yet we somehow just fail to see who we really are (I'm not talking about everyone, just most of you, so that no one gets offended, myself included) we fail to see how our actions affects the people around us. Or is it that we just don't care? For me I know my flaws, I do know I 'swear' alot, but its not that I don't realise it, I just don't care. I've accidentally offended people by being vulgar and all, but I've never crossed the line by embarrasing someone by bringing up past events to bash a person up, which I think is below the belt. But I guess its just one of the ways I seperate friends from aquintances. So what is your greatest flaw? (YOU KNOW IT, its just that you pretend not to, cause the truth hurts)

I know I'm suppose to be helping you solve the problem, but I can't if you don't want to, so I'll let you in on a little secret, I've mastered the art of making myself feel better everytime i'm down. Although its not very health but it sure as hell makes me feel better... I think about all the other ppl who are not doing so well in life and compare their state to mine. Life doesn't seem so bad after all. (I don't mean the kids in Congo or some African country cause if I did, my life would be amazing compared to theirs and I'll feel ashamed for even getting depressed about the state of my life, don't you feel ashamed now just by complaining? especially this girl I know who cried 10 days 10 nights just because she got 1A 3 Bs, SHEESH!!)

Photo taken from:

About backstabbers? well you pretty much can't do anything much about it, just stay away from them, no point hanging around them (unless your a better backstabber than by all means stab away) You really won't know who your friends really are until you choose to actually look. For instance, I used to have 2 really close friends, 1 was the nicest person ever, well manered, would always be looking out to give me advise and he was fun to hang out with. The other dude was, well at first glance is/was cocky bastard, (not joking he'll walk as if he's nose would drop down if he look at the floor!) and I don't blame ppl for blogging about him, his first impression kinda sucks unless your a freshie who he likes (enough hints on who he is? LOL) anyways, can you guess who ended up being the lying S.O.B?, the first one, so looks can be deceiving, I stayed away from the first dude, even now. (could write a whole blog about the stuff he did but, that's the past! BUT, who knows? if i'm nice enough i'll tell you guys :P)

Everyone has to go through this phase in life to grow as a person. There's this saying "you need to taste bitterness to know the sweetness of life"

p.s:crying alone isn't gonna solve anything, you gotta look for your friends and ask for help, and I'm very sure that they'll be there for you.
posted by DjBenn at 8:59 PM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Don't DOWNLOAD this free Harry Potter book online!

but this is the download link so you ppl know not to DOWNLOAD :P

click here for the website.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Warning. some pages are blurry, but if your cheap don't complain.
(some dude took pictures of all the pages/complied it and posted it online)

Again, I'm telling you not to download, as it is a copyright infringment, its ths same as buying pirated VCD,CDs,DVDs

p.s Have fun you cheapskate bastards :P

oh and the password for the zip file is internet
posted by DjBenn at 5:24 AM | Permalink | 1 vinyl(s)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Do you know who your friends really are?
FRIENDS!! Seriously what is the meaning of friends? No, i'm not talking about the American sitcom about a group of six friends living in the borough of New York City. Well according to Wikipedia; (so feels like I'm doing a presentation!) an interpersonal relationship between humans. That doesn't really give a full picture of what friends are all about. The main question today is that do you know who your friends really are? Cause I know some people who really can't tell the difference from a acquaintance and a friend. And the difference between a FRIEND and a friend. Have I confused you yet? well the FRIEND I'm talking about is the person who'll stick up for you, take the blame for you or someone who you can tell straight to his/her face that they are one big ASSHOLE when they deserve it. Then the other type of friend would be someone I'd hang out with, but probably not tell them that I slept with their sister or call them at 3 am just to hang out. And finally for acquaintances, well their basically just people I know, I probably need to know them better but well... takes to much effort! (This is a really sensitive topic, so if you are mentally unstable or suffering from small gas syndrome, i suggest that you don't read!! BUT! I don't think that will stop you anyway so ....)

If you were thinking why I suddenly felt like talking about friends, well someone asked me if I'd side them if something happened. I thought to myself "Do you think that were that close?" Well I just wanna clear stuff out ... and another friend ask me "How close are you to ...." There are only a few people I'd stand up for and Matt (picture below) is one of them


I'm very honest about some stuff, and this is one of them, If your not in the picture its either I don't have a picture of you (just show how much of a friend you are huh!) or you really weren't my friend to begin with. But I guess you really need to know that I pick sides. Unless its between close friends that I just don't get involve unless it comes to a point where your problem start affecting our friendship.

Well this are my FRIENDS!!!!
I linked the photos cause it'd be to messy to post all of em....

My Friends
Photo 2 of friends
Last picture of my friends (Hope your in this one!)

You see if you got angry/upset/disappointed that you weren't in the pictures ... they won't get angry even if I told them how bad their B.O is , neither would they get angry with me if I showed up late for dinner... or neither would they get angry if i accidentally broke a promise... But you definately would!

ANYWAYS, since I'm almost done I tot i'd just like to wish Matt Happy Birthday again... Although I didn't get to celebrate your party with you... you know I LOVE YOU!!

ps:DON'T do birthday post! I think their lame... :P

posted by DjBenn at 1:22 AM | Permalink | 8 vinyl(s)
Monday, August 13, 2007
P.S: This is for you, You know who you are
If someone asked me how would I describe life, I'd say "Its amazing, beautiful, and horrifying at the same time"

There are some things in my life that I do regret doing, and there are a lot of things that I'm proud of but most of the good things I do I forget. However, its hard to forget the mistakes I've made, and it has caught up with me. (Was pretty much correcting myself for typing it in 3rd person when it should be in first person but I guess its easier to type in 3rd person as in makes it feel less of my fault) This is the times when I need someone to tell me that I'm worth it, and I'm good enough.

Its easy to blame people for everything that goes wrong in my life, I could blame my parents for having too much hope in me, or my friends for not being there when I needed them, or my brother for not living up to expectations or just a random stranger for not saying hello. I could blame the whole world for my failures, but I won't, because that's not me anymore.

I am Benjamin Low, I am a dependable person who will be there for my friends when they need me. I love life, although there are days when I fall so deep but what brings me back is that there are a lot of amazing people in my life. My parents who will always be there for me no matter what, my friends who will always cheer me up, and my brother who always has my back.

These are the most important thing in life, the people who care about you, the people who will not leave you. But you need to let them in.

p.s : I've shared my feelings, everyone knows how I feel, its your turn to share.
posted by DjBenn at 10:14 AM | Permalink | 3 vinyl(s)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Been sick the past few days so pretty much been in bed... plus not really in the mood to think about blogging... But i'm at work now... pretty much wating for my turn to spin so I tot I might as well write something...

Exam results comming out tomorrow so ... hmmm not the slightest bit stressed out but i guess that I'm hoping I don't screw up :P

Anyways, Last week Eu Ling and Huey Juen came to cam whore at the console so these are the picstures!!

Check out my DIGIMON cap :P The guys told me they were all gonna wear a cap, I was like crap i don't have a cap... so i went to dig through my closet, the only cap I found was this one (but what the heck, damn cool cap ok!)

Oh btw, special thank to this beautiful lady for helping me set my blog, she pretty much does all the technical stuff of my blog (html and other stuff, EVEN the CBOX)

OK the hair abit cacated but whatever! Cut my hair already!
posted by DjBenn at 7:45 AM | Permalink | 1 vinyl(s)
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Sky Bar
This is the whole story of how I ended up in SKY BAR,

I accidentally left my laptop charger with Van (she's in KL) so I had to go back up to KL to get it(that was Wednesday night) so I heard from Camie that's she's going up to KL to meet up with her friends and she was following Juan (or famously known as Mr. K :P) so I called him and he said ok I could follow him since he was going up to meet his elder brother.

Spent the whole day in Midvalley, and YES everything is on sale, TOPSHOP, La Senza, FCUK, Miss Selfridge and everyother major brand was on sale. Up to 70%

Later that night we went back to Jim's hotel (Mr. K's bro) which was Traders.. One hot room, too bad I didn't take pictures. Didn't think of blogging till we went to SKY BAR!

anyways, Here's to all those who say I don't have pictures in my blog!
Beautiful view of the Twin Towers. You guys jealous yet?
The whole group. I'm second from the left. Just so you know that the hottest guy in the pic is me :P

From Left : Me, Mr K and Camie

p.s : Sorry Aya, Juan was suppose to call you but I called him first so I took your place. But I needed to get my charger badly :P next time I bring you ok?

posted by DjBenn at 11:06 PM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)
Dirty Little Secret
Every since I was a kid, my parents had big expectations of me. My mom always wanted me and my brother to be either a Doctor, Lawyer or an Accountant. But me and mom never see eye to eye, at age 4 I wanted to be Micheal Jackson (and i don't mean white, or was it black? don't remember, but I wanted to be a singer) At age 6 I told my mom I wanted to be a footballer, (I remember the setting, we were outside around 5-6 pm just as we're talking a rubbish-truck passed by) mom said "If you one something exciting don't be a footballer, why not become a rubbish collector? you get to smell very exotic and different smells everyday, your job won't be boring!" (hmmmmm.... some kind of role model huh?) than when I hit puberty, I tot the best job for me was to be a porn star! (best job in the world! I mean come on, this is what you call "getting paid to enjoy"!)

Everyone has expectations, but I guess talking about your expectations is something that is easily shared, talking about your fears might not. Some people fear death, some people fear being ridiculed, some people fear height, and some just fear bugs. Just like expectations, each and everyone has a different fear. But I guess your fears makes you vulnerable, so you keep them to yourself? Well it doesn't, it makes you stronger, knowing your fears is the first step to over-coming it.

I'm terrified of failure, all my close friends know this, I hate to lose, I'm a sore loser. I hate the feeling of dejection. I really don't get it when people tell me that "Its alright to lose, as long as you tried your best" I just don't. For me losing is not an option, (I'm not afraid of death, I mean, if/and when you die, that's it, what have to to regret, your dead already. Ok maybe I'd regret not telling my family and friends how much they mean to me but, they already know that so .... hmmmm..... not much to regret) does that make sense?

In the end, I just stop trying to hard, I came to conclude that if I don't give it my best and than I fail, that wouldn't be a failure since I didn't try. But if I tried my best and failed, that would me I failed! (Does that make sense?)

But I really just think that I'm trying to make myself feel better since my A Level results are coming out on the 9th and that I just submitted my Mix tape for the JUICE Dj Quest 2007 competition.

Now don't you think death is more merciful? LOL! I'm not suicidal if you were thinking that!
posted by DjBenn at 10:14 PM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Dj Benn Low Electronica 'n' Dance Mix Tape
Dj Benn Low Electronica 'n' Dance Mix Tape

To download -

*click here*

Track List

1.The Way I Are - Timberland ft Keri Hilson & D.O.E

2.Umbrealla - Rihanna (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Remix)

3.This Is Not Miami - Sander Kleineberg

4.Put Your Hands Up For Detroit - Fedde Le Grand

5.La Discotek - D. Ramirez (Hed Kandi Remix)

6.My Love - Justin Timberlake (Paul Oakenfold Remix)

7.Destination Calabria - Alex Gaudino ft Crystal Water (Static S Remix)

8.Beep Beep - Krafft (Fred De F Remix)

9.Muzik Loud - Tocadisco

10.Let It Drop - Dj Delicious (Henrik B Remix)


I've uploaded the song to imeem.... but for some reason or other can't share it... ish... noob! Hahaha... i'll update you guys when I have found out how to upload stuff properly. At the moment I'm getting Van to help me.... I'm a total noob at this ! :P Dun laugh... everyone was a noob before!

posted by DjBenn at 3:34 AM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)