Lately I've been doing some thinking, I've never been cheated on,(either that or I still don't know that I have)so which would be a better situation? 1. Your girlfriend cheated on you and you don't know anything. 2. Your girlfriend cheated on you and you found out from someone. 3. Your girlfriend cheated and she told you. Do you think picking a number describes who you are? I think it does.
Well I'm kinda stuck now, don't know which one to pick! I really really want to pick number 1 but I'm really grossed out with the thought of sharing my GF with someone else.... the thought of her going to bed with someone else... hmmm *yuckx!* So I think I want to know. But, if I didn't know that it wouldn't be gross. Actually no, it'd be gross just without me knowing... hmmm
I'll definitely not take the second one, cause that would be a super big blow to my ego, I'm not saying that the other choices wouldn't but, number 2 would be the biggest ego-killer. Not only is it an ego-killer, this choice would most definitely be the end of the relationship. Imagine this situation, ' You find out your girlfriend is cheating on you, you go home and ask her this, have you been cheating on me? she says, " NO" you can kiss your relationship BYE BYE (now the tougher question is, which one is more devastating? the cheating or the lying? I think the lying)
Now for the most painful choice, door number 3. Let's see, "Baby, I'm really sorry, I've something to tell you, I cheated on you." hmmm.... doesn't sound right, how can it sound right? Its not! But anyways, would you forgive her? I guess its a question of how much you think the relationship means to you. (Well I have this theory, if your partner tell you that he/she cheated, its most likely he/she wants the relationship to work so they tell you OR, they think that their about to get caught and they tell you so that you don't get that mad) I somehow I think if they cheated on you, they'd cheat again. You think so? BUT I guess I want to know, that from there I'll decide what to do next
Hmmm.... the more I write the more I begin to wonder why would people cheat in the first place? (I define cheating as, sleeping with someone else. Flirting and kissing doesn't count) If you love someone, would you cheat on him/her? I don't think so. I guess If someone cheats on you, he/she doesn't love you enough. The reason I define flirting and kissing as not cheating is because to flirt or to kiss someone (but it depends on your age, if your in high school maybe its different but I'm talking about college and working life) its very easy, but when you sleep with some one, it take alot of premeditation (with or without the influence of alcohol, although some people react differently, I believe you are still in control of your actions except your sense or right and wrong are affected but you are still responsible for what you do) SO yes, I believe that If you can cheat on your partner you don't deserve to be forgiven. No matter what the excuse is.
Picture taken from: The Heart of a Musician
p.s: I know they say 'love knows no boundaries' but that doesn't mean you can go around sleeping with other people. Not all sayings are true! :P