Sunday, September 30, 2007
Heroes Season 2 : Ben is back!


Finally Season 2 is here, The most anticipated series in america and the rest of the world is back! (not officially but who cares!)

Andy told me that they released the first episode and I was really really excited, I forced him to cancel all other d/ls just to quicken the d/l, but he said "doesn't make a difference la!" but he still did it anyway (see, such a good friend) we had to go to a friends gig on that day (THANK GOD! if not I would have been glued to his computer screen and watching each and every kb transfered!) so as soon as I left the room he continued all his other d/ls! >.<" without me noticing.

When we got back, all the d/ls were done, unfortunately I was too tired so I went straight to bed. (Show's how much I wanted to watch it huh?) But I was really really tired! slept right up to the minute everyone was ready to leave, so we were a little late for my friends gig.

Anyways, the first episode did live up to much of the hype and expectations. Although I was hoping to see more of Nicky but its ok. We'll probably be seeing more of her in later episodes. It was really cool to see Peter right at the end, him losing his memories makes much to fantasize about, can't wait to see what they have installed for his character, OH and did you see his new power ? Lightning, cool eh? . Kenshi's story was much much cooler. I'd bet that Hiro will actually do all the fighting instead of the white samurai, They really really want to keep everything in english don't they?

OH, I noticed something else, Mohindran has once and for all left out his Indian accent which he was trying really really hard to do in Season 1, mainly the first few episodes. :P

I really think that Sylar's gonna be the good guy this time around? And the bad guy this time around is going to be some other dude with some weird super power which they won't reveal till episode 14++

Its either that or... Peter's gonna be the bad guy this time around!! Which would be a pretty cool twist. But than again, everyone likes Peter don't think the producers want a possible backlash from turning Peter in to the baddie

And guess who's back?

I'm back!

RE: Hangat Hangat Tahi Ayam ; its not that, I was waiting to start blogging again when Heroes came back, as Hiro said 'the hero will always appear at the last moment'

p.s: I'm coming back to KL on tuesday

Guess who's back,

I'm Back!

p.s: Before you comment on someone else, look at yourself. You're worst.
posted by DjBenn at 12:48 PM | Permalink |