Thursday, September 6, 2007
Man attracted more to looks
I was reading the newspaper yesterday morning, when I came across this cool article entitled "Men attracted more to looks" struck me. I was thinking to myself, this was defamation of men! We are not shallow, I should sue the newspaper for such comments! NOT!!!(I wish! everyone knows that men are attracted to looks, those who say they look for the inner beauty, THEY LIE! well i'm referring to, if they find the women's appearence unattractive because beauty is subjective but is still able to say they love them)

In summary, the articel was about a study done on a group of 25 men and 20 women. The participants took part in 'speed dating' short meeting of between 3-7 minutes. Afterwards, the partipants would select the people they would like to date again. In this study, the participants where asked to complete a questionaire on "what they look for in a mate", listing categories such as wealth and status, family commitment, physical appearance, health and attractiveness (This exercise was done before the 'speed dating' occured). After the 'speed dating' session, researchers compared the questionaires to the participants actually chose. Researchers found that Men's choices did not reflect their stated preferences but the choices appeared to be based on the women's physical attractiveness. Suprisingly, the women's choices, like the men, did not reflect their stated preferences but they made more discriminating choices, their choices reflected on attractiveness, they chose the men who they felt were on a par with their own self-rated attractiveness. One researcher said " part of the womens' goal was to choose men who would stay with them"

See, told you they lie! but can women blame us? I mean honestly, would you blame a guy for picking candidate A over candidate B?

Candidate A

Candidate B

See, I told you! how can you blame me for picking candidate A? I don't think any guy out there would pick candidate B over candidate A, so mission accomplished! It's not shallow to pick a girl because of her looks. Agreed? You need to be able to admire the person you love BUT, (i stress on the BUT!) personality plays a priviotal role in the relationship once the LUST is gone (I've nothing against that, all I'm saying that it's not shallow to love pretty women!)

To justify myself, lets have a senario. I have 2 beautiful girls, hmm..

This is the first

And this is No. 2

Tough choice right? (here's an inside of how the male mind works) I would firstly gauge the interest level of both girls towards me (assuming that they both like me! ) So since I'm this hot looking dude, they both like me equally so, move on to the second criteria, I'll pick the girl whom I can communicate better with, but most guys including me won't make a move yet, will probably play it cool and survey a little longer to be sure. For me and most of the other guys over look this part because of lust, BAD HABITS! Everyone has them. (Don't Lie! you know you have them) Some bad habits are almost non-existant or in other words wouldn't affect anyone such as twirling your hair, checking yourself in the mirror every time you get the chance, or pulling your skirt, but there are some bad habit that would drive you up the wall such as picking your nose in public, burping, leaving your underwear all over the place or something to that effect (you know what I mean)

The final criteria that i'll look into is lifestyle, I would pick the one that suits my lifestyle or the lifestyle I can tolerate, vice-versa. Some people would say I'm too picky, but trust me, (I love clubbing) if your girl doesn't like you doing that, you'll definately not be having a fun time.

So you see men aren't shallow (or how I see men la!) if you ask us to choose between Jessica Alba (especially in 'Into The Blue') or Ugly Betty, your kind of insane to call us shallow, (I bet some girls would be dying to pick Jessica Alba as well) We do look at a women's appearance as well as their personality. You might be Gorgeous but if you have a sucky personality, will still pass you on for a lesser being :P (but if Jessica Alba was bitchy I really don't know if I could pass her on :P)

posted by DjBenn at 7:27 PM | Permalink |