Taken from Virtual Malaysia.com
I sat infront of my laptop for another 20 mins just thinking what else to write. I usually don't have a problem writing, but somehow, whatever comes to mind doesn't seem apropriate (doesn't justify the 50 years of hardwork other Malaysian's have done to hold this country together)
I guess I never knew the hardships that the people endured during British Colonization and the Japanease Occupation. And because of that I've taken for granted what Merdeka means. For me, Its just another reason to party and celebrate.
Compare the celebrations then and now
This was then,
And now
Picture taken from: Rezzaalias
Not so funky then huh, but i guess it comes with advancement, the more advance the country is the more advance and hightech the party is :P
Not forgetting Paul Van Dyke and the Merdeka Rave, this year's Merdeka celebrations had something for everyone. The clubbers had Pure Bar, the family oriented people had their parade and fireworks, and the hardcore ravers had Paul Van Dyke.
Dj Ben and Dj Def in Pure Bar 2007 (Merdeka Eve Celebrations)
Happy Merdeka.