Monday, July 30, 2007
Am I Gay? Hell NO!
I've been reading the Cbox/Tagbox/Chatbox, whatever you bloggers call it, and for the record I'm not a blogger! I'm ..... hmmm... I'm special :P

There were a few comments on Van not being able to stay single for more than a month. Talking about being single, I've been single for almost a year and a half! Sheesh! (that's bloody long for my standard) Shit, its depressing if I think of it.

This is the part I really don't understand (why I'm still single)... I mean yes I'm not actively looking for a partner but still, why don't someone come up to me and date me? Sheesh, whats wrong with women? I definately know there's nothing wrong with me! I'm good-looking, I've a car, and I FUCKING good in bed (ahemmm...) and yet I'm single... so it definately has to be the women!

Alot of my friends tell me that I have alot of hot girl friends, (En, dun perasan! I'm talking more about Naz and Saran.. Li Peng included but definately not you! Oh and Aya too!) I mean, I do attract beautiful women but not in the way that i'd like. I guess its my happy go lucky attitude(I think I'm just not bothered and I'm lazy) that builds my image of more of a guy friend type rather than the serious relationship kind of guy. Which in some ways maybe true.

However I think I do have certain qualities of a serious relationship kind of guy (since I'll be using that word quite often lets call it SRKoG) I'm loyal!(ok that was a lie, hey! No ones perfect!). Hmmm... but I've other important qualities like for instance I'm charming, dependable, and romantic (I seriously am! go ask any of my X(s), they'll tell you) So I don't see how I'm not SRKoG quality. I'm the type that goes shopping with his girl, plus all my girl friends (girlfriends friends not the girlfriend girlfriend) love to go shopping with me, and I love shopping, (some of them even say I'm worst than a girl) I'm picky about my clothes, I can just go on for hours just looking for the right T-Shirt design. Ok I don't buy as many as you girls out there (1 dress a week , SHEESH!) but I do my shopping regularly. As a SRKoG , I also love chit-chat, I can sit at a mamak stall for hours and talk non-stop! See I'm a good companion. Oh, I read Cosmopolitan (International edition, I think the local edition is crap, also read my mom's Women's Idea, mainly for gosip, followed the whole Brad-Jennifer break-up) so we have stuff to talk about! So how is that not SRKoG ?

Shit, come to think of it, that sound pretty gay! (I have nothing about gay people and I'm not making fun of gay homosexuals, I have a few close friends who are gay, and I go for gay nights so I'm pretty ok hanging out with gays, Shit, gay nights.... hmm.... somethings wrong here) I don't think I'm gay, I can't be, I definately not gay! I love women! That make me straight right?

p.s ; my exit will always remain my exit (hope that's true)
posted by DjBenn at 10:25 AM | Permalink |


  • At July 31, 2007 at 4:56 PM, Blogger Rileen Aya

    so including me anot ? *confused*

    i respect guys who read girly mags. easiest way to understand a girl more ma rite :] im starting to flip around with men's health too. ;) its not wrong being single. no matter wat the reason.

    not finding the one now is no problemo. the later she appears, the easier she's for keeps. because u dun normally see ppl with someone they dated since form 3 walking down the aisle to them rite?

  • At July 31, 2007 at 9:24 PM, Blogger Saran

    hahahaa yes yes i'm HOT :p btw i'm Saran hahahaaa. you know, i set up a blogspot account so i can comment on you blogspot people!

    then i found out i forgot my blogspot address, and i forgot my password! +_+ soo mencibaikan.

    hahahaa man bennn maybe if you stop saying you're good in bed women would want to be with you?? hahahahhaa because that's what a SRKoG would want right! long relationship mainly based anything besides lust la! aiyoh.

    but don't think you can live without it lor. HHAHAHAA. :p

    and being single is fun la aiyoh. quit complaining! though having someone to cuddle with is bettter HAHAHAHAHA!

  • At August 11, 2007 at 12:49 AM, Blogger yinru

    came across ur blogspot from msn ^^
    like what aya says..not finding the OnE now is no problem man. When u find the right one, you will aprreciate her more ma. rather than spending years playing around,getting urself a name of PlayBoy..its more practical to give urself some time to find the right one ( to me lah..) so take some time and explore to find the right gal for you ya. looking forward to your good news huh