Sunday, September 30, 2007
Heroes Season 2 : Ben is back!


Finally Season 2 is here, The most anticipated series in america and the rest of the world is back! (not officially but who cares!)

Andy told me that they released the first episode and I was really really excited, I forced him to cancel all other d/ls just to quicken the d/l, but he said "doesn't make a difference la!" but he still did it anyway (see, such a good friend) we had to go to a friends gig on that day (THANK GOD! if not I would have been glued to his computer screen and watching each and every kb transfered!) so as soon as I left the room he continued all his other d/ls! >.<" without me noticing.

When we got back, all the d/ls were done, unfortunately I was too tired so I went straight to bed. (Show's how much I wanted to watch it huh?) But I was really really tired! slept right up to the minute everyone was ready to leave, so we were a little late for my friends gig.

Anyways, the first episode did live up to much of the hype and expectations. Although I was hoping to see more of Nicky but its ok. We'll probably be seeing more of her in later episodes. It was really cool to see Peter right at the end, him losing his memories makes much to fantasize about, can't wait to see what they have installed for his character, OH and did you see his new power ? Lightning, cool eh? . Kenshi's story was much much cooler. I'd bet that Hiro will actually do all the fighting instead of the white samurai, They really really want to keep everything in english don't they?

OH, I noticed something else, Mohindran has once and for all left out his Indian accent which he was trying really really hard to do in Season 1, mainly the first few episodes. :P

I really think that Sylar's gonna be the good guy this time around? And the bad guy this time around is going to be some other dude with some weird super power which they won't reveal till episode 14++

Its either that or... Peter's gonna be the bad guy this time around!! Which would be a pretty cool twist. But than again, everyone likes Peter don't think the producers want a possible backlash from turning Peter in to the baddie

And guess who's back?

I'm back!

RE: Hangat Hangat Tahi Ayam ; its not that, I was waiting to start blogging again when Heroes came back, as Hiro said 'the hero will always appear at the last moment'

p.s: I'm coming back to KL on tuesday

Guess who's back,

I'm Back!

p.s: Before you comment on someone else, look at yourself. You're worst.
posted by DjBenn at 12:48 PM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Game of Life
Everyone has their own definition of life, for instance, the definition of living for the Chinese is to 'LIVE to eat!' some people see making money as a priority in life, and maybe for others is to accomplish a certain set goals. Many people believe that if you work hard and long enough you'll will succeed, but I think that they are dead wrong.

Every game there are winner and there are losers. The Game of Life is the same, every winner has to have a loser

For me, I see life as a game we play till we die. The rules are simple, everything you do has a consequence. That's the engine of the game, choices. Everything we do in life has its consequence, whether bad or good, it depends on the action made. The only drawback of the game, there is no REPLAY! what has been done is done, nothing you do, say or think can change that. (you can't have everything your way, not everything can be forgotten, and nothing can be taken back, once you do it your stuck with it for life)

And always remember, you cannot have everything in life! you need to give some stuff up to gain something else.

Here's a no brainer, whether you like it or not, your in it. That's the difference. Some people realize this and play the game, these people enjoy the gains and benefits of playing it right, some people just refuse to play and get left behind, other just don't have a clue whats happening and they slowly just fade away.

The only tip you need to know is that, always look out for number 1. (that's yourself if you didn't already know. Something my dad always thought me) That's the most important person in your life. No matter how close you are, no matter how important that person is to you, you always need to look out for yourself first. No good has ever come out of caring for a person more than yourself, true-out history people who care about others more than themselves have not had a good ending. Look at Samson, because he trusted Delilah he got screwed, same goes for Romeo and Juliet, (although they are just fictional) neither got what they wanted, both ended up dying. Last but not the least, my favorite example: Parents, no matter what you do, their still there for you, and yet in the very end, you dump them at some care center for the elderly to wait for their time to pass, hmmm, not what you might have expected to get in return for all the sacrifices you made huh? (you might say that i'm being negative, but isn't that a fact?)

I'm not saying that you should stop caring! all I'm saying is that the faster you realize that life is a game you need to play; you'll be alright. Now you just need to play it smart, get the wanted dice rolls and land on the right squares.

posted by DjBenn at 1:02 PM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mia Rose Vs Esmee Denters
Well, Aya asked me to check out Mia Rose and so I did, I take comments from people seriously so if you have seen any other talent out that and you think she's good I'll take a look at it. (Like professional like that :P) Anyways, this is a short profile of Mia Rose:

Maria Antonia Sampaio Rosa, born on the 26th of January 1988 in Wimbledon Village, London. If you want more details you can check her website out at Mia Rose

This is one of her best uploaded songs yet is the cover version of Nelly Furtado's 'say it right'

She sings this song pretty well, compared to some of her other songs, but i some how thing she has a very common sound and nothing spectacular (but she does have the whole package to become a top class star (look at Britney!)

Well they both sang 1 similar song 'unwritten' by Natasha Bedingfield

That's Esmee cover, and this one is Mia's

There's a huge difference in singing styles, and I think Esmee does a much much better job compared to Mia. I personally feel that Esmee has a better vocal range and she is better with her pitching compared to Mia.

Although, If you asked me who would make a bigger hit? I really can't say, being a talented singer is not the only thing you need to be a hit.(Once again a Britney comparison, Christina is a much better singer but yet Britney is still more popular, or was more popular) But I have to say, Aya is right, Mia does have some pretty cool moves, Mia definitely ups Esmee is the presentation area, althought that can be worked on, especially since she(Esmee) is under J.T's wing.
posted by DjBenn at 9:02 AM | Permalink | 2 vinyl(s)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Up and coming star
The next lady or should I say girl, that i'm going introduce to you is already quite famous in the USA similarly to Leah(Japan), but they're relatively unknown to us over here in Malaysia. However, we can be expecting to be seeing her hit Malaysian shores with a bang (its just only a matter of time)

Check this video out of her doing a cover version of J.T's 'what goes around comes around' (be sure to pay attention to the very last part)

Pretty cool stuff huh? Compared to Leah, her pitching is perfect and she's has a beautiful & soulful voice. Not only that, she's eye candy as well. And yes, if you haven't already guessed, she has been signed on to J.T's record label Tennman Records. So we can expect to be hearing from her very soon.

If you like to know more about her, you can check out her myspace at Esmee Denters. And by the way, she is only 19, September/28/1988. She even as her own blog (for you people who just love to read about people's lives and want they eat everyday, and how many times they took a dump that day, you'll enjoy yourself)

I got hooked to her when I saw this,

Although she was slightly pitchy in the first chorus, she was magnificent the rest of the song. What I liked about it is that it was sweeter and less confrontational than the original (might be totally wrong but that's what i think and I'd go for this version over beyonce's!)

A picture of Esmee Denters,

p.s: Dj Def said "she's gonna be a big hit, give her 1 year! When she comes out with her record I'll definately play it"

posted by DjBenn at 1:10 PM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Love at First sight...Leah
This is what happened, I was online yesterday and flipping throught the newspaper looking for something interesting to blog about,(woot, men can multitask!) the only thing I could find was a write up about how long it took sperm to fully mature before its ready to go out into action. Speaking of sperm, I heard this joke; Sperm B asks Sperm A, " why are you working out so hard?" Sperm A replies "because I wanna be the first one who reaches!" After a months of working out, the day arrived. Everyone ques up at the starting point, then when it was time to come, all the sperms swam with everything they had. Sperm A was right in the front and gaining speed, soon he was able to lose the pack. Sperm B says "there goes our chance!" Suddenly Sperm C says "LOOK! He's coming back" At first they could only see him, then they heard "GO BACK! ITS A BLOW JOB!"

Anyway, back to the main point, Su-I asked me to check this singer out, Leah Dizon. As usual, I went to google it, the only thing I could find was Leah Dizon the model, so I wasn't to sure whether it was the same person, but no harm in clicking right? so I clicked away... this is what I got!!

Hmm.. at first I thought I got the wrong Leah Dizon, then I decided to check for other websites, (Didn't find any naked pictures and I WASN'T LOOKING for them) than I asked Su- I whether she was a model, she said "ya, try Youtube" so I did, I found her song 'Softly" and Everything, Anything" Huuuhuu, not bad, alot of eye candy, (she's pretty good to look at :P) She's not the most fantastic singer around but, neither are the PCD so..

Than I told Matt to check her out as well, this is what he said.
mOjo says:
mOjo says:
she quite hot

So then I told him I was planning to blog about her, this is what happened

Dj Benn - says:
gonna blog about her
Dj Benn - says:
Dj Benn - says:
Dj Benn - says:
doing research now
Dj Benn - says:
mOjo says:

Anyway so I did a little research on her. This is what I found out.

Leah Dizon (リア・ディゾン, Ria Dizon , born as Leah Donna Dizon on September 24, 1986) is a model, singer, and a TV personality in Japan, born in Las Vegas, Nevada, US. She has two older brothers, an older sister, and two younger brothers. Her astrological sign is Libra, and her Chinese zodiac sign is Tiger. She mix if you didn't know, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino and French
(compliments or wiki!)

Oh, and just so you know, she's releasing her debut album "Destiny Line" on the 12th of September. (Its going to be a rare occasion where I'd actually buy an original cd!)

This is her song 'Softly' and 'Everything, Anything' (don't be to harsh on judging her singing skills, she's better then you! so don't say anything!) Just shud up and enjoy the catchy beats and the EYE CANDY!!

posted by DjBenn at 9:47 AM | Permalink | 1 vinyl(s)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Man attracted more to looks
I was reading the newspaper yesterday morning, when I came across this cool article entitled "Men attracted more to looks" struck me. I was thinking to myself, this was defamation of men! We are not shallow, I should sue the newspaper for such comments! NOT!!!(I wish! everyone knows that men are attracted to looks, those who say they look for the inner beauty, THEY LIE! well i'm referring to, if they find the women's appearence unattractive because beauty is subjective but is still able to say they love them)

In summary, the articel was about a study done on a group of 25 men and 20 women. The participants took part in 'speed dating' short meeting of between 3-7 minutes. Afterwards, the partipants would select the people they would like to date again. In this study, the participants where asked to complete a questionaire on "what they look for in a mate", listing categories such as wealth and status, family commitment, physical appearance, health and attractiveness (This exercise was done before the 'speed dating' occured). After the 'speed dating' session, researchers compared the questionaires to the participants actually chose. Researchers found that Men's choices did not reflect their stated preferences but the choices appeared to be based on the women's physical attractiveness. Suprisingly, the women's choices, like the men, did not reflect their stated preferences but they made more discriminating choices, their choices reflected on attractiveness, they chose the men who they felt were on a par with their own self-rated attractiveness. One researcher said " part of the womens' goal was to choose men who would stay with them"

See, told you they lie! but can women blame us? I mean honestly, would you blame a guy for picking candidate A over candidate B?

Candidate A

Candidate B

See, I told you! how can you blame me for picking candidate A? I don't think any guy out there would pick candidate B over candidate A, so mission accomplished! It's not shallow to pick a girl because of her looks. Agreed? You need to be able to admire the person you love BUT, (i stress on the BUT!) personality plays a priviotal role in the relationship once the LUST is gone (I've nothing against that, all I'm saying that it's not shallow to love pretty women!)

To justify myself, lets have a senario. I have 2 beautiful girls, hmm..

This is the first

And this is No. 2

Tough choice right? (here's an inside of how the male mind works) I would firstly gauge the interest level of both girls towards me (assuming that they both like me! ) So since I'm this hot looking dude, they both like me equally so, move on to the second criteria, I'll pick the girl whom I can communicate better with, but most guys including me won't make a move yet, will probably play it cool and survey a little longer to be sure. For me and most of the other guys over look this part because of lust, BAD HABITS! Everyone has them. (Don't Lie! you know you have them) Some bad habits are almost non-existant or in other words wouldn't affect anyone such as twirling your hair, checking yourself in the mirror every time you get the chance, or pulling your skirt, but there are some bad habit that would drive you up the wall such as picking your nose in public, burping, leaving your underwear all over the place or something to that effect (you know what I mean)

The final criteria that i'll look into is lifestyle, I would pick the one that suits my lifestyle or the lifestyle I can tolerate, vice-versa. Some people would say I'm too picky, but trust me, (I love clubbing) if your girl doesn't like you doing that, you'll definately not be having a fun time.

So you see men aren't shallow (or how I see men la!) if you ask us to choose between Jessica Alba (especially in 'Into The Blue') or Ugly Betty, your kind of insane to call us shallow, (I bet some girls would be dying to pick Jessica Alba as well) We do look at a women's appearance as well as their personality. You might be Gorgeous but if you have a sucky personality, will still pass you on for a lesser being :P (but if Jessica Alba was bitchy I really don't know if I could pass her on :P)

posted by DjBenn at 7:27 PM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
7 Wonders of the World? or 7 most voted Wonders
Have you ever wondered why its called the 7 Wonders of the world? And not another number? Don't worry, I've don't have the slightest idea why either. But that's not the main point, but this is, if I were to ask you to name me the 7 Wonders of the World I would believe that 9/10 of you would get it wrong, I don't blame you for it, Its' changed already.

This was the old list:

Now its called The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

1. The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
The Colossus of Rhodes
The Pharos of Alexandria

Then came the more recent one which they called

The 7 Wonders of The Medivial World:
The Colosseum
The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
The Great Wall of China
The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
The Hagia Sophia
The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Oh... than came this

7 Wonders of the Modern World

1.The Empire State Building
The Itaipú Dam
The CN Tower
The Panama Canal
The Channel Tunnel
The North Sea Protection Works
The Golden Gate Bridge

I was thinking.. I remember our Twin Towers were at one point one of the 7 wonders! What happened? So I search the internet to see what happened, cause if I remembered correctly 9/11 was the WTC not the twin towers so why was it taken off!

This is what they're calling it now

The 7 Forgotten Wonders of the World
The Clock Tower (Big Ben)
Eiffel Tower
The Gateway Arch
The Aswan High Dam
Hoover Dam
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
The Petronas Towers

I was pretty annoyed to find this out, I mean how do they judge if it should remain or be taken off right? I mean have you seen the Twin Towers at night with its lights?

Guess what I found out,


Guess how these "so-called" wonders are chosen! They are voted for then from that they get the name "Wonder of the World". I find it's really unfair. Look, first of all it was not really announced globally that there was going to be a voting session, It was announced in an official ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal on the 7th of July 2007, 07/07/07 (although the date was cool but the voting wasn't!)because not everyone voted! Secondly, even if Petronas Twin Tower was (still is) a magnificant building to behold, how is 22 million votes gonna go up against 1billion people voting for the Great Wall? or even the Taj Mahal?(in the event that everyone could vote)

The question remains, is the "so-called" 7 Wonders really Wonders or just another popularity contest like Miss World or American Idol? I think it really lowers the standard of the title. I feel a set of criterias should be set and it should be something than would last throughout time or maybe the next century(I mean the criterias) as there is constant advancement. A panel of experts with creditials to choose the 7 wonders(from time to time? say every 50 years or so?) Because changing the 7 wonders as time goes by so easily really doesn't seem that wonderful anymore.
The only consolation left is that these 7 buildings are still subjected to a final validation process, and will be confirmed during a forthcoming New7Wonders Inauguration Tour. So there is still hope, I think!
posted by DjBenn at 1:30 AM | Permalink | 1 vinyl(s)
Too Much Masturbation Does Effect Daily Life
Check this out

If you can't read it, click here taken from photobucket

I've heard of theories where they say that too much masturbation can effect your daily life and your social life but i've never heard of masturbation causing a physical hindrance to other peoples lives. Until now, that is.

Imagine, your in the shower, and you notice a puddle beginning to form. Its forming because the drainage is clogged with hair. At first it doesn't bother you as there is only a small puddle, but soon you notice its rising, and its rising fast. It begins to gross you out as you just took a dump and washed your ass, (but thats not too bad, you think to yourself, its mine, so it can't be that bad) but you quicken your pace and begin to wash the soap away, (you just put soap on yourself to need to wash it off, tak kan you just wipe it off with a towel right) now the water is heel level. Now it really grosses you out. Than all of a sudden, you spot this whiteish substance floating on the surface. (Don't continue reading if your below 15 years of age) You take a closer look, you begin to wonder, out of curiosity you touch the substance, (you think to yourself, hmmm... sticky, could be glue) then you lift it higher to smell it, (you say to yourself, where have I smelt this before? This is definitely not glue) Suddenly it hits you! NOOOO! you've just touched sperm! worst of all ITS NOT YOURS!!

The End

I mean come on, if your using a public toilet/shared toilet DON'T have a hand party! Its not right, Its like polluting a sacred place! its the toilet man, you're most vunerable there! unless you bath with a swimsuit or something like that, but not everyone is an alien like you! We bath butt naked! so do your happy time somewhere else that is private and personal!

I was in NS (National Service) and I know what it's like living with other people, come to think of it, there were a few times the shower would get clogged up, Eewwh!

But is it even possible for sperm to harden and cause the clogging? I find it really absurd. If it was condoms, then maybe. Not sperm! If it could i pity women...

OH.. and speaking of masturbation...Although this is against animal rights but I thought that it was suitable for this post.

Animal Cruelty, The name of the offender is not mention due to his age and maturity

Too much masturbation is bad for your friends!

p.s: I maybe wrong about that

posted by DjBenn at 12:07 AM | Permalink | 5 vinyl(s)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Roti Bakar and Blogging
My blog has been revamped by the woman below. Pls click on her face to check her blog out.

DJ Benn (left) and Roti Bakar (right)

She forced me to advertise for her in exchange for the new templates( she said I had 2 choices, either this or pay her money, when she said that she was holding a kitchen knife! Like Ah Long like that!). Although I don't see why she need the adverstistments, she has triple my traffic and I think most of the people that read my blog started with reading hers !?#$%^

Thanks alot

ps: what kind of name is toastbwead? :P
posted by DjBenn at 11:15 PM | Permalink | 2 vinyl(s)
Coming of Age; Merdeka
Malaysia has finally reached 50 years of independence.

Taken from Virtual

I sat infront of my laptop for another 20 mins just thinking what else to write. I usually don't have a problem writing, but somehow, whatever comes to mind doesn't seem apropriate (doesn't justify the 50 years of hardwork other Malaysian's have done to hold this country together)
I guess I never knew the hardships that the people endured during British Colonization and the Japanease Occupation. And because of that I've taken for granted what Merdeka means. For me, Its just another reason to party and celebrate.

Compare the celebrations then and now

This was then,

And now

Picture taken from: Rezzaalias

Not so funky then huh, but i guess it comes with advancement, the more advance the country is the more advance and hightech the party is :P

Not forgetting Paul Van Dyke and the Merdeka Rave, this year's Merdeka celebrations had something for everyone. The clubbers had Pure Bar, the family oriented people had their parade and fireworks, and the hardcore ravers had Paul Van Dyke.

Dj Ben and Dj Def in Pure Bar 2007 (Merdeka Eve Celebrations)

Happy Merdeka.

posted by DjBenn at 5:25 AM | Permalink | 0 vinyl(s)